Where Well-Being Begins

Experience Self Care for your Body Mind & Spirit

I know you've heard the phrase... "Body, Mind, and Spirit are all connected". As a licensed esthetician, massage therapist, and Reiki Energy Master in Orlando, FL, I could see this connection every day.

I started noticing how my clients reacted to my services: My hands-on beauty treatments like brow waxing and brow laminating boosts self-confidence. My mind and soul-centered energy work, like Reiki, clearly display the incredible value and purpose of every individual.

When we allow ourselves to break free of energetic blockages stuck from the past, this clarity of our own beauty becomes impossible to forget or unsee. From this new clarity, a vested interest in our own well-being develops, an unconditional love for ourselves that has no choice but to ripple throughout every aspect of life.

To put it simply, my purpose became clear: To offer a customized experience for grooming and caring for your physical body, emotional body, and spiritual body; one that allows you the clarity to see your undeniable beauty, your profound value, and your immense power.

Find Us Inside:

Trim Salon & Spa

1910 Alden Rd

Orlando, FL 32803

Call or Text 407-227-0295

Book your Reiki and Waxing appointment for holistic rejuvenation.

Discover the Power of Reiki & Waxing.